Cony Theis

The work “Goya – Prophet of Modernism” by Cony Theis is part of the “Books” series, in which the artist portrays book covers in watercolour drawings. In this series, Theis explores the visual and content-related significance of book covers – the watercolour “Goya – Prophet of Modernism” shows a depiction of a book cover that deals with the Spanish painter Francisco de Goya and his significance as a pioneer of modern art.

Theis uses the fluid, transparent qualities of watercolour to capture the essence of the book, blurring the boundaries between image and text, reality and interpretation. By utilising the traditional subject of portraiture, she creates a new, subjective view of the book, inviting the viewer to reflect on the role of books and images in modern culture. Her work is both an homage to Goya and a reflection on the interface between literature and the visual arts.

Price including Frame
